Leisurely I let my beautiful fingers slide over my fake penis. It feels good. The power to have a man-meat inbetween my gams, with which I can fuck you up to the point of unconsciousness. I love the view of my Sissy. On all fours, she crawls towards me. Right away I expose her towards the camera. She must demonstrate herself from all sides and have to be examined. Her booty is also introduced. A ball bag with petite needles on the insides is roped to her worthless testicles. Playful and With a nasty laugh I play with it and squeeze it hard. The little whore moans in pain and her legs want to shrug. But she remains obediently sitting and waiting for what her mistress has in mind with. Then she gets closed up into a cage. So pretty small, just like her little Sissy cunt! She is allowed to lick my hunter boots to get turned on really good. I have a suitor with me who directly pushes his thick cock through the bars. Greedily she sucks his dick and strokes my strapon with the other hand. But that is not enough. I want to fuck her right. Her butt is pushed up and I deeply push my StrapOn into her tight Slave pussy and enjoy every hit!
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